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 us army patrol boats used in irag new

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
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معلومات العضو



معلومات إضافية
مزاجــي : فرحان
الجــنس : ذكر
المـشـاركات : 1821
نقــاط التميز : -2147329071
رصيدي : غير محدود !!
معلومات الاتصال
مُساهمةموضوع: us army patrol boats used in irag new    us army patrol boats used in irag new   I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أبريل 08, 2013 8:28 pm

us army patrol boats used in irag
us army patrol boats used in irag
us army patrol boats used in irag
us army patrol boats used in irag
us army patrol boats used in irag

Iraq receives US armed patrol boats within the 15-boat package

Author: HAA
Editor: RS
2013-02-21 16: 50


Announces chips (Swiftships) American shipbuilding, delivered
additional armed patrol boats manufactured to the leadership of the
Iraqi naval force, under a deal to equip 15 boats from manufacture,
contracted in 2009 worth $ 181 million.

Executive Director of the
company shihris Shah in an interview to a US agency specializing in
naval weapons "while we manage the expansion of our industry to ship the
new partnership with Iraq will allow us to meet the new demands and
expand our ambition in the naval industry while achieving our company
featuring high-quality production."

He said the company's press
release, obtained by (range) that "the Iraqi Navy received on 12-2-13,
two additional patrol boats of 15 under a deal signed with the US
Department of Defense on military sales program, sponsored by the
Executive Office for ships and boats and support programs of the u.s.
Navy boats."

And the two are the 10th and 11th which receive them
the Iraqi Navy kind, since the first boat was handed over to Iraq in
September 2010, in the Iraqi Navy Day celebrations that year, and
entered service in late November of the same year.

According to
the design chosen by the Iraqi Government, the coastal patrol boat that
will be used to strengthen the rule of the Iraqi naval force on
territorial waters, to protect oil platforms and boats equipped with
three diesel engines with three driving fans in addition to structure
made of aluminium and equipped with seven cutters for water resistance,
the company says that these boats achieve great speed over 30 knots per
hour, and can continue to carry a crew of 25 seas for six days.

installations include the boat's main cannon Seahawk fixed model
(DS-30-M) 30 mm caliber can be run remotely from the defence systems
(MSI), a machine gun type of Browning (H2B) caliber 50 mm plus manual
light machine gun gunner M) 240).


us army patrol boats used in irag
us army patrol boats used in irag

thank you

good bye
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

us army patrol boats used in irag new

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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